popular blogs

Increase Website Traffic:8 Secrets from Popular Blogs

Umer Anees


How do you increase traffic to your blogs in websites? There are numerous strategies to enhance website traffic from popular blogs, but some are superior to others.

If you look at popular blogs, you might be able to figure out what they do well and learn about different strategies and approaches you could use for your own content strategy.

Now, let’s break down the eight ways that popular blog and brand insights can be used to increase website traffic:

1. Get The Story First

Business Insider is among the fastest-growing business, media, and technology blogs in the world.

Since more than 49 million people visit its website every month, there is no doubt that its content strategy is full of useful information.

The most important takeaways from this effective website are:

Creating Excellent Digital Content Quickly

The news site was ahead of its time because it focused on digital content from the start. Not print content. Not transmitting content

They foresaw the direction of their target audience and acted accordingly.

Today, creating digital content is an absolute necessity. So, what distinguishes their current content strategy?


Business Insider is always the first to report breaking news. They keep up with the most recent news stories, follow up on leads all the time, and add new information to their stories as quickly as possible.

They thrive without evergreen content, and that suits them well. Instead, they try to get the story first, get the most traffic, and quickly spread information that is popular.

This means that you can also have an always-on content strategy by making content at the right time and sharing it on the right platforms.

While evergreen content is excellent, there are advantages to providing fresh, “trending” content.

This is because consumers seek not simply answers to age-old issues, but also content pertinent to global events.

2. Publish With Purpose

Arianna Huffington’s blog with the same name, called HuffPost, was never meant to be a business. However, since its inception in 2005, the site has rapidly become one of the most popular blogs in the world.

The Huffington Post has done very well in terms of web traffic and popularity. Tens of thousands of people read it every day, and it is widely known as a political blog.

So, what is it about Huffington Post that has made it so popular? They publish with intent.

At first, The Huffington Post was a website for political news that told people about important issues around the world. It was the founder’s immediate response to corporate-controlled, profit-driven news websites. This connected with the audience.

Lastly, a website had news stories and opinions from both the left and right sides of the political spectrum. It satisfied the public’s yearning for candid and unfiltered political discourse.

Avoiding Overwork

The Huffington Post’s transition from mission to business serves as a warning story. If you lose track of the value you intend to deliver to your audience, burnout is inevitable.

Huffington’s website exceeded her expectations. It became too commercialized.

Numerous content providers find themselves in this situation.

They develop content with keywords, conversion rates, and click costs in mind. They forget that content interest often affects traffic and conversions.

Before you generate content, consider the following:

  • Have I explicitly asked my audience what they are most interested in reading?
  • Do I understand their pain areas, anxieties, desires, and needs?
  • Do I have the statistics to support this, or am I simply presuming that this is what they desire?
  • What is the major objective of this material?
  • What am I hoping to accomplish with this piece of content?
  • After reading this content what do you want readers to do?

Don’t stray too far from the content’s intended goal. Focusing on making Google happy or optimizing for clicks will get you part of the way there, but it won’t be enough to keep people interested in your content and engaged with it.

3. Attract Reliable Sources

TMZ is the drama queen of Hollywood news, if Business Insider is the king of international news.

TMZ is renowned for breaking the biggest celebrity gossip and entertainment news stories.

Even though TMZ hasn’t said much about their traffic numbers or how they market themselves, a little digging reveals a major key to their success.

The Mystery: “Tipsters”

As a content creator and writer, I was intrigued by TMZ’s writer pool (and how they find the juiciest stories).

Their website revealed only that they employ a handful of “field reporters” and “researchers.” I wondered who keeps them up to date on celebrity gossip.

I learned that the solution is “tipsters.” Informants are their “ground troops.” Those who diligently seek inside information

Even though these people don’t work directly for TMZ, they are paid to give the magazine expert advice or sensitive information. As a result, they frequently gain compensation or reputation.

Unsurprisingly, the concept of “tipsters” resembles another form of content strategy: expert-generated content. TMZ has developed a consistent, low-cost content generation approach based on incentives. And you can do so as well.

This may include expert interviews, roundup posts, webinars, podcasts, guest pieces, and videos.

The goal is to get experts in your field to contribute content to your website, let you know about new ideas for content, and share your content with their audiences.

You can implement this method on your website by requesting professionals to develop content for you or by inviting visitors to participate in the creation of content.

Open your site to guest writings, video contributions, exclusive interviews, or expert quotes. This will assist you in producing more material and expanding your audience.

Moreover, a modest ego boost can go a long way.

The Verge is an all-encompassing publication that covers entertainment, technology, science, and product reviews.

Since its inception in 2011, they have offered a variety of new articles, guidebooks, podcasts, and feature interviews. “The riches are in the niches” is a popular marketing adage.

Since The Verge lacks a distinct niche, it begs the question: how can they rank and create so much traffic with their content?

Verge’s traffic is generated by referral sites. The majority of the sites link to the blog’s product reviews.

In addition to sending traffic to The Verge through links to other sites in their content, these referral sites also boost the authority of the blogs in most popular websites.

Affiliate Marketing

Verge’s content strategy shows that most popular websites have a great chance of getting visitors from sources other than organic search.F This is particularly true of affiliate websites.

Suppose your website’s objective is to promote affiliate products. In this case, creating content that gets the attention of other major websites in your field will help your traffic strategy a lot.

Not only will viewers coming from these sites be interested in your content and products (making them more likely to convert), but high-authority backlinks could also give your site a boost in search engine rankings.

Generating material that delivers value to your favorite referral sites entails creating content that:

  • Discusses their items.
  • Compares their products to those of competitors.
  • Refers to more articles on the website.
  • By providing content that delivers value to other sites in your business, you can develop an entirely new source of traffic beyond organic search.

The “do everything better” slogan of Lifehacker is an audacious claim that people can hack their way to success in life. (Ironic, however, because we are doing the same regarding your content approach here.)

The site gives practical advice that can save you money and time and help you work better, live longer, and be happier.

Numerous of their articles are brief posts that offer one or two hacks or a collection of advice.

Lifehacker does not rely on keywords to generate ideas for engaging content. They develop a wealth of blog ideas by asking their audience what they would like to read.

How Do I Generate Ideas for Blogs in Websites Posts?

Even though there are a lot of SEO and idea-generation tools, website owners still find it hard to find themes that bring in visitors and keep them interested.

This is because we, including myself, frequently overcomplicate the procedure.

We attempt to predict what our readers desire. First, we look at the search data to see which keywords have the most people looking for them. Then, we attempt to replicate the content that our competitors produce.

Frequently, your viewers will tell you exactly what they want. All you need to do is ask.

If you already have a social media presence, you can quickly reach out to your target audience to find out what topics they are interested in.

You can also get ideas from the comments section, email replies, reviews, and feedback from past customers or clients.

Avoid complications. Start with your audience and build a list of things that they are interested in reading. Then, select the appropriate keywords to target in this material using SEO tools.

6. Check Your Facts

VeryWell Health came out in 2016 and quickly became a trusted resource for health fans and coaches. They are good at many things that make a blog popular, but they are best at writing well-researched and accurate blogs.

Checking the facts is the initial stage in any article writing process. It is the basis for developing a reliable and trustworthy blog.

This includes verifying your resources as well as your grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Imagine reading a blog with bad grammar, broken links, or information that is just plain wrong. Unfortunately, this makes it far too simple to discourage repeat visitors.

But there is an easy solution. You can easily avoid these mistakes by using Grammarly or having someone else read your work. In addition, fact-check and copy edit your work.

Remember that a good way to keep people coming back is to give them reliable tools and resources.

Treehugger is a good illustration of editorial principles.

With founder Graham Hill and his growing team, they created a research structure that helps customers get the information they need quickly.

Creating a solid and thorough standard operating procedure (SOP) can help brands avoid the problems we’ve already talked about and streamline the editorial process.

Thus, corporations may distribute their blogs swiftly and efficiently.

8. Implement Interactivity on Blogs in Websites

You have most likely taken a Buzzfeed quiz or read one of their fascinating pieces if you are active on social media.

They witness an unrivaled level of interest in their work through comments on social media and website responses.

They are exemplary of the creation of an interactive environment for readers and consumers. Through their site, you may enjoy an inclusive and fun experience.

In addition, they permit their followers to rate stories with comparable themes like “LOL” and “WIN.” This lets readers feel as though they are a part of a community with similar interests.

We can gain knowledge via Buzzfeed. For example, making a blog more like a community by adding an interactive feature can help by popular blogs.

Also, you can do this by putting your content in the right order and letting people comment or ask questions on your blog posts.

Final Takeaways

Regarding boosting website traffic, bloggers have been conducting themselves appropriately for years.

Understanding why popular blogs work well might provide insight into how you can enhance your own blogs.

If you use these tips on your blogs in websites, you can get a steady stream of readers who are ready to read your posts.

Read more about 6 Reasons Why Blogging Is Important For Marketing And SEO here

Picture of Umer Anees
Umer Anees

Umer Anees is a professional Digital Marketing expert, has 10 years plus experience in Search Engine Optimization. He achieved top organic results for hundreds of websites and cover almost all niches.

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