Local Citation Cleanup Service

Having issues with local rankings? Consistent Citations are Local Campaigns’ No. 1 Issue. We’ll take care of everything and help you rank!


Reasons for Citation Remediation

Having inaccurate or inconsistent citations is the largest barrier to obtaining awesome results in local, as we have repeatedly observed after examining thousands of Local SEO campaigns. According to the most recent ranking factors survey by David Mihms (SEOMoz), this is the third negative ranking factor (1).

This could occur for a variety of reasons:

  • You change your address after moving.
  • Your phone number has changed.
  • Aggregators just take up inaccurate information about your company and present the wrong NAP despite the fact that you have multiple spellings of your name.

Rankings could become immobilized and there could be serious issues. Each citation you have gives you a “vote” in the race to the top. You can’t get the juice you need to rank higher if these votes are going to different NAP combinations.

We will take care of fixing these for you as they need to be fixed!

How We Work

It’s not an easy task to resolve these problems. Because every citation source is unique, it takes a lot of painstaking work to contact each one and amend the information.

For this reason, we developed our Local Citation Clean Up Service, which enables you to simply press a button to have our team of qualified experts:

  • Complete A Comprehensive Citation Audit For Your Company
  • Find all the false information!
  • Reach out to each citation source separately.
  • To resolve the citation issues, carry out two rounds of manual outreach.
  • Deliver a thorough, detailed report.

We take all of these steps to ensure that you have the best chance of ranking (and crush your competitors). In essence, we handle everything for you and then present you with a lovely report.

You will be given the email logins we made if you want to continue the outreach process with any citations that didn’t react to our two rounds of manual outreach.

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How UA Citation Cleanup Works

Citation Audit

.Every order begins with a thorough evaluation of all previous citations. We don’t merely fix a predetermined list of websites; instead, we examine your whole profile to find every single inaccurate citation that may be present and record it.


Manual Outreach & Contact

Since each reference source is unique, we developed an internal SOP for each website so that we would know the appropriate procedure for fixing your citations. We set up an email on your behalf and undertake two rounds of manual outreach via email. We also keep track of all communications.

Genuine Citations

We update the citations we have access to using the information you’ve given us, and we manually contact the remaining directories and make a request on your behalf so that the information there is compatible with your true NAP.

Submit Report

We’ll submit a report that includes all the citations we fixed along with any parting advice.


Pricing & Packages

The UA Citation Cleanup

Complete Audit Of All Existing Citations

$399 One Time

Citation Clean Up Service