Local Business Listings & Citation Structure Service

Local business listings and citations that were manually created


Local business listings: What are they?

We created our local business listing packages to be the best in the industry.

Our choices are backed up by data and based on the crawling of countless top local pages. We don’t tamper with something if it doesn’t directly affect rankings.

  • Data Backed: Based on years of campaigns and thousands of testing hours. 
  • Custom campaigns: Carefully considered, non-template campaigns. We custom-build for each client’s needs, market, and location. Every campaign is unique.
  • Clear Reporting: Professional, exhaustive, and open reporting.
  • Everything we create belongs to you: logins, profiles, etc.
  • We’ll let you know from our audit what needs to be fixed so you can dominate your area.
  • Obtaining credible, valuable citations will demonstrate to Google that you mean business.
  • Dependable, time-tested local ranking strategy.
  • Flawlessly synchronizes with any organic link-building approach.

Audit Of All Citations

Consistency is the most crucial component of any Local SEO campaign, which is why each campaign begins with a thorough audit of the business listings.

Without this important step—which most of your low-cost competitors skip—you’d be wasting your money.

Every campaign goes through this thorough, time-consuming process. In order to prevent any repetition of effort, we classify both accurate and inaccurate citations.

As a result, a thorough report is produced, along with instructions on how to fix inaccurate citations.

Building Local Citations

Citations from local directories are the foundation of local SEO.

With our meticulous manual submissions, we make sure you are listed in the best directories for your specialty and market with our meticulous manual submissions.

This is not just a list of folders as usual. Every campaign is unique, so we use three different ways to choose the directories to submit to on their behalf.

Strategy 1: Ego directories- They are the most well-known, highly trafficked, and authoritative directories.

Strategy 2: Competitor directories – Using your unique keywords, we research which citations are crucial for your industry as well as your particular SERPs.

Strategy 3: Competitor review directories – To discover Google’s trustworthy directories, we crawl competitor review directories.

When possible, we claim all the major directories and give the client specific verification instructions for the rest (some require a phone call for verification or other methods). We provide a complete report with all the login information.

To produce the citations, two rounds of manual outreach will be conducted. If any citations didn’t reply to our two manual outreach attempts, you’ll be given the email logins we made if you want to continue the creation procedure.

Citations in Rich Media

Simple directory submissions can be made by anyone, but we give them more weight by including geo-tagged images and videos, as well as references and links from rich media sources.


We produce simple video slideshows in the form of a whiteboard that include music, images, and text. The geo-meta data for these films has been fully optimized. We next upload these videos to the best video hosting sites, building citations and links with high authority.


Please send us 10 photographs that are ideally brand-related and relevant. Geo-metadata is included as we optimize, upload, and then optimize again. In order to build high authority, legitimate links and citations, we subsequently send these photographs to the best image hosting services.

Social Citations

Social media will become more significant in this year and the years to come. By obtaining outstanding social citations, we ensure that you are in the lead and complete your citation profile.

In this module, we construct meticulous, manual submissions, adding all necessary material and information, which again produces high-quality, legitimate connections and citations. We submit to social media platforms that are reliable and strong.

Check out our Sample Order Reports and Pricing List.

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The Best Citation Audit

When you get the Business Listing audit, we’ll manually search the web to determine exactly where you stand and send you a stunning white label report that includes:

All NAP Variations: If your current profile has any variations, we’ll uncover them all and figure out what might be hurting your local results.

Existing Correct Citations: We’ll point out any instances in which you’ve used valid citations.

Incorrect Citations: If you have any incorrect citations, we’ll point them out to you.

Citations for Aggregators: We’ll examine the main aggregators and let you know if any of them have inaccurate data.

Business Listings Audit

Complete Citation Audit
NAP Variations Check
Existing Correct Citations
Incorrect Citations
Aggregator Citations


Pricing & Packages

BL Starter

Full Citation Audit


45 Total Citations:

PackBL Mini

Full Citation Audit


65 Total Citations:

BL Medium

Full Citation Audit


130 Total Citations:

BL Large

Full Citation Audit


255 Total Citations:

BL Monthly



*You must order an initial package to order a Monthly Mojo. We need to do an audit of your current citations to avoid duplication.

65 Total Citations: